Sunday, February 8, 2009

FDC #3: France: Munich Olympics 1972

Hello Pals!
I am here after a little absence. I have to show you a beautiful cover from my Olympics collection. It is an official FDC from France marking the event of Munich Olympics 1972 held of course in Munich (Then West Germany).

Unfortunately, the event saw a massacre on September 5 by some members belonging to the Black September Organization who broke into the Olympics village and took 11 Israeli athletes hostage in their apartment. They killed two of the athletes in their apartment after fighting back.

Afterwards during a botched German rescue attempt at the military airport of Furstenfeldbruck, where the captors with their hostages had been transferred by helicopter, ostensibly to board a plane bound for another country, all the surviving Israeli hostages were killed by a terrorist who threw a grenade into the helicopter carrying the hostages in one helicopter and another terrorist who sprayed the second helicopter with machine gun fire.

The games were suspended for some time but the Olympics committee decided that "the Games must go on". Competition resumed a day later.

The 1972 Munich Olympics were officially named as Games of the XX Olympiad. The official motto of the games was "The Happy Games". The emblem of the Games was a blue solar logo (the "Bright Sun"). The Olympic mascot, the dachsund "Waldi", was the first officially-named Olympic mascot.

France finished in 17th position in the final medal rankings, with two gold medals(Cycling, Men's 1000m Sprint and Sailing, Men's Finn) and 13 medals overall. Pakistan also competed in the event and managed to win a silver medal in Men's Field Hockey Team Competition.

I think that this particular cover was issued during the torch relay of Olympics. Can anyone put me wise on this issue? The FDC was sent to me by M. Chapeau Jean-Michel from France. Thanks Michel for such a nice cover.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

FDC#2 from Pakistan: Centenary Celebration of Catholic Cathedral Church; Lahore; Pakistan in 2007

Today I am here to share with you a wonderful FDC featuring a very nice and historical stamp issued on the occasion of the Centenary Celebration of Catholic Cathedral Church in Lahore, Pakistan. The Catholic Cathedral Church in Lahore has a rich history to offer. This magnificent edifice was constructed by the Belgian Capuchins in a prominent place in the heart of the city and consecrated on 19th November 1907 as the mother Church of the diocese of Lahore. It replaced the historic old Pro-Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception built in 1861 near the famous Anarkali bazaar, outside the Old City.

The stamp was of Rs 5 denomination and was issued on 19th November 2007. I have a couple of such covers available for swap if anyone is interested. I can swap it for FDCs depicting themes like Olympics, Football, etc.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Pakistan Stamps featuring Aquarium Fishes issued on Universal Postal Union Day 2004

Here I have for you one of the most beautiful stamp sheet from Pakistan.

The sheet was issued on the eve of National Philatelic Exhibition Lahore 2004 which was held on Universal Postal Day 2004. The set of Aquarium Fishes consists of 5 different types of fishes. These include the following:-

  • Yellow Dwarf Cichlid
  • Striped Gourami
  • Tiger Barb
  • Neon Tetra
  • Black Widow
Aren't they beautiful?
The stamps in the sheet are also staggered in each row. You are welcome to post your comments about this beautiful piece of philatelic art.
Best Regards

Postcard #3: Another view of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam, Mecca, Saudi Arabia

Here is another view of Al-Masjid Al-Haraam in Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
This post card is from Saudi Arabia and basically it features the dome and minaret of Al-Masa'a. It is the third postcard with the same masjid in fact.
After this I will be uploading other postcards as well.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Pakistan Stamps with Aircrafts - A tribute to Pakistan Air Force (PAF)

Hi Pals!
Here I have for you another nice stamp sheet with 10 nice stamps issued to commemorate the Pakistan Air Force Day on September 7, 1987. Each stamp is of PKR 3/- denomination.

To share the PAF's pride in its rich heritage of courage, sacrifice and professional excellence as well as to honour those daring pilots who wrote a glorious chapter in our history with their blood, Pakistan Post Office issued this nice set of 10 commemorative postage stamps, each depicting a different PAF aircraft, on the occasion of the 1987 Air Force Day.

The scenes depicted on the stamps are from a series of specially commissioned aviation paintings done by Squadron Leader Masood A Hussaini, the officially appointed aviation artist of the Pakistan Air Force. The set of 10 stamps, each bearing the impression of a combat, transport or training aircraft, shows how the PAF grew from its modest beginnings 40 years ago, to its present hard-hitting posture. Manned by highly professional men, the PAF stands ready today to rise swiftly to deter and defeat aggression against Pakistan.

Seventh September occupies a place of prominence on the PAF calendar. Popularly known as the Air Force Day, it evokes memories of heroism and gallant displayed by the nation's air arm during September '65 India-Pakistan war.

It was on this day, 22 years ago, that a small band of daring PAF pilots supported by an equally dedicated group of officers and men on the ground rose to the very heights of professionalism and, although outnumbered and outmatched in equipment, blunted the aggressor's air power. As a mark of respect for the glorious acts of valour performed by these brave sons of the soil (a number of whom achieved "shahadat" during that war), the Pakistan Air Force observes 7th September as the Air Force Day.

The occasion is celebrated all over the country with great patriotic fervour and public enthusiasm. The day starts with prayers of thanks giving and "Quran Khwani" for the "Shuhada" at the PAF mosques. This is followed by special Air Force Day parades at all PAF Bases to mark the occasion. In an impressive ceremony in the city of Karachi, Flight Cadets from PAF Academy, Risalpur, which had the proud distinction of being the only military Academy ever visited by the Quaid-e-Azam, mount Guard at the Quaid\'s mausoleum to pay homage to the Father of the Nation.

The Air Bases are then thrown open to general public to afford them an yearly opportunity to see their Air Force from close quarters and to gain first hand knowledge about some of its equipment and weapons. The elaborate equipment arrays and flying displays held on the occasion draw countless Pakistanis of all ages and from different walks of life to these air bases throughout the day. All types of aircraft held on the PAF inventory can be seen performing thrilling aerial maneuvers over the PAF airfields throughout the day, to the great enjoyment of all visitors, specially young students of schools and colleges. As evening approaches, the gates of the air bases close till the next year behind the departing citizens, when they would be welcomed again by their hosts in blue.

Isn't it a wonderful piece of work???
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